CBS News Features Veolia North America's Wind Turbine Blade Recycling Program

A pile of retired wind turbine blades sit on the grass

As part of Earth Week, CBS News visited Veolia North America's facility in Louisiana, Missouri to place Veolia's unique program to recycle wind turbine blades in the national spotlight. 

Veolia's program brings renewable energy into the circular economy by taking massive wind turbine blades and cutting them down into a confetti-like blend that cement manufacturers are using to reduce their CO2 emissions by 27%.  Veolia's Julie Angulo sat down with Ben Tracy of CBS to walk through the process and see the program in action.


Click here to view the entire CBS Evening News segment.


Veolia as a leader of ecological transformation

Veolia has a long history in working with communities and clients to address the toughest and most unique environmental challenges. As the energy transition continues, wind turbine blade recycling is Veolia's most recent sustainable solution to this emerging challenge. 

Other sustainable solutions for hazardous and non-hazardous waste include: