Urgent Fraud Alert: It has come to our attention that certain fraudulent domains, such as "veoliasnorthamerica.com" "veolianorthsamerica.com" and "veolianorthamerican.com" are being used to request the purchase of goods on credit. Please be aware that these purchase requests are fraudulent and are not purchase requests by Veolia North America. Veolia has reported the matter to law enforcement and is taking steps to have the fraudulent domain names deactivated. If you have received and acted upon such a fraudulent purchase request, please retain all related communications and documents, notify your legal counsel, and promptly report it to law enforcement. Please reach out to your usual Veolia North America Procurement contact with any questions.
Accounts Payable
For information on how to submit an invoice, invoice and payment status questions, etc.
Contact Us
For procurement questions and supplier needs
Corporate Procurement General Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Terms & Conditions
Download a copy of VNA's standard terms and conditions
Suppliers Charter
General principles for suppliers' relationship including code of conduct and sustainable procurement policy.
Existing Suppliers
For changes to company contact or payment information, Contact: [email protected]
For all other requests, please contact your Veolia contract manager or email: [email protected]
Click below to learn more about our Supplier Diversity Program.