The challenge as we see it
Retired electrical equipment may contain a variety of materials that require proper management prior to disposal or recycling. These include dielectric fluids that contain or are contaminated with PCBs or other regulated materials. Because of this, proper disposal and recycling practices must be followed to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Failure to comply may result in costly environmental liability.
Our differentiated value
Recycling reduces the potential for future liability. Valuable ferrous metals, nonferrous metals and oils, which do not contain PCBs, can be reused or recycled.
We tailor recycling programs around your needs. By working with us, you can benefit from the following:
- Two RCRA Part B permitted facilities
- TSCA Permitted PCB (PCB Commercial Storer) permitted facility in Phoenix, AZ
- ISO14001/OHSAS-18001 certifications in Phoenix, AZ
- TSCA Permitted Incinerator
- Company-owned nationwide transportation and logistics capabilities
- Audited and approved 3rd party transportation network
- Audited and approved downstream processing vendors
- Dedicated account and customer service representatives
- On site services
- Customized reporting capabilities
Our solutions for power distribution and electrical equipment recycling
Our staff will work with you and your team to design a customized recycling program to fit your organization’s specific needs. We will assess and thoroughly understand your project, equipment and inventory to cost-effectively evaluate your options. Based on these needs, we’ll develop onsite services and assist with proper profiling and labeling for transporting your waste safely.
We recycle the following PCB and non-PCB power distribution and electrical equipment: Arrestors; ballast; bushing; capacitors; circuit breakers; oils; re-closers; regulators; switchgear; transformers; and wire & cable.

Veolia is uniquely positioned to service industry, government and commercial entities in improving performance, managing water, waste and energy.
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