The challenge as we see it
Sulfuric acid is a very strong inorganic acid with qualities that make it useful for almost all industries. Some specialty industries rely on higher strength acid reactions that cannot be produced from sulfuric acid. These higher strength reactions can only be performed using sulfur trioxide, chlorosulfonic acid and oleum, which are the strongest inorganic acids produced from sulfur. Safely manufacturing, using, storing, handling and transporting sulfuric acid and high-value sulfur derivatives can be challenging.
Our differentiated value
We are experts in product safety, manufacturing, usage, storing, handling and distribution of sulfuric acid and high-value sulfur derivatives.
- Custom training on the handling and management of our specialized products is provided to our customers and partners.
- We have a variety of means available to us for transporting sulfur products, including barges, rail cars, portable tanks and tank trucks.
- Partnering with highly skilled transportation providers, we ensure the product gets to you on time and safely.
Our solutions for sulfur products
- Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4): primarily used to manufacture fertilizers, inorganic chemical manufacturing (including chlorine drying), petroleum refining, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper and car batteries.
- Sulfur Trioxide (SO3): primarily used to manufacture surfactants for laundry and personal care applications.
- Oleum: high strength sulfuric acid used in chemical processing applications.
- Chlorosulfonic Acid (CSA): specialty grade acid used to manufacture surfactants for personal care applications
Properties Usage Storage Handling (PUSH) bulletins for our products are available for download.

Veolia is uniquely positioned to service industry, government and commercial entities in improving performance, managing water, waste and energy.
Learn how
If you are having any difficulties finding your Safety Data Sheet please contact Customer Service at: 1-800-441-9362.
Visit our training page at: for registration dates and details of upcoming Sulfuric Acid Safety Seminars
40 CFR 261.2(e) Materials that are not solid waste when recycled
Our regeneration solutions are recycling-related manufacturing processes that are not considered to be treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste and are not considered a solid waste because we use/reuse certain materials as ingredients in an industrial process to make a product.